Your front differential is the component in your vehicle that converts power from the transmission to the horizontal axis. As is the case with most vehicle components, it requires lubrication, which in this case comes from differential oil. The front of the differential is sealed with either silicone or a gasket to contain the fluid inside, and is bolted in place. If the seal leaks and the fluid is low, you may experience grinding or whining noises from the front and the possibility of differential failure.
The differential gasket is changed when the fluid is replaced. If the seal leaks between maintenance intervals and the fluid runs out, the differential could be damaged, and then your vehicle will be rendered useless. If you suspect or are aware that the differential gasket is leaking, have one of our expert mechanics check it out and replace it if necessary.
Unless you have a huge fluid leak, you can continue to drive your car for a while. However, like all fluid leaks, this needs to be fixed eventually, so you should have it addressed by one of our expert mechanics at your earliest convenience so that the problem won’t drag on indefinitely.
Tell us what the problem is (e.g the car is not starting or I need new shock absorbers). What kind of car you drive and your contact information.
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