The trunk is a storage compartment usually located at the rear of the vehicle. This area is accessible via either a lid or a door. The hinges allowing the door to open and close smoothly need to remain lubricated in order to operate properly.
At the first sign of noise or difficulty with opening or closing, lubricant should be applied to the hinges of a trunk door or lid. Before the application, the hinge or hinges should be inspected for damage or mechanical problems. While this is being done, we recommend that other hinges around the exterior of the vehicle be inspected and lubricated as well. If the lubricant on the hinges connecting the truck door or lid to the vehicle has depleted to the point of needing replacement, it is likely that other lubricated parts need servicing as well.
This service is moderately important, as trunk lids have a tendency to latch improperly or require multiple attempts at closing to stay shut. Not only is this very inconvenient, but the trunk could open while the vehicle is in motion. Regular lubrication will ensure smooth operation and prevent expensive repairs from being necessary in the future.
Tell us what the problem is (e.g the car is not starting or I need new shock absorbers). What kind of car you drive and your contact information.
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