The trunk or hatch on your vehicle is designed to store or transport your belongings safely. It is locked with a keyed lock cylinder, and if your vehicle is equipped with a power trunk release button, there is a trunk lock actuator mounted to the keyed lock cylinder. When entry to the trunk is requested through electrical input, either by a trunk release button inside the car or by pressing the trunk release button on a key fob, the trunk lock actuator releases the trunk latch in the same way turning a key in the lock cylinder would. When the trunk lock actuator fails or is too weak to release the trunk latch, you may not be able to access your belongings in the trunk without using the key in the lock cylinder.
If the key still turns in the lock cylinder but the trunk will not open with either the trunk release button inside the car or on your key fob, you may need to replace the trunk lock actuator.
The trunk lock actuator is part of a convenient power trunk release system. If it doesn’t operate as designed, you’ll have to open the trunk through the manual key lock cylinder instead. You can replace it at your convenience.
Tell us what the problem is (e.g the car is not starting or I need new shock absorbers). What kind of car you drive and your contact information.
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