The coolant temperature switch, also called the coolant temperature sensor, is a switch that reads the engine coolant temperature and sends a signal to the engine control module, or ECM, to control other functions of engine operation such as the air-fuel ratio.
It is also called a switch because on some cars, it is used to turn on the engine cooling fan at a specific temperature. This aids in the engine warm-up process as well as keeping the engine at a safe operating temperature.
If you suspect that your coolant temperature switch has failed, have one of our licensed mechanics come out immediately to diagnose the problem.
This part, when faulty, could cause the fan to run intermittently or not at all, which in turns causes overheating or overuse of the cooling fan motor. Whenever overheating occurs, severe engine damage is a possibility.
The engine air-fuel ratio is what keeps it running smoothly. If the ratio gets skewed, the engine will have poor fuel economy and run poorly or not at all. The coolant temperature switch is important because it gives the ECM the information it needs to make this calculation and run the engine optimally. YourMechanic will be able to tell you if this part is performing correctly.
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