The hazard / turn signal flasher is a small, electrical device that causes the lights on your vehicle to flash in a rhythmic, steady fashion. It is usually located under the driver’s side of the dash, and is wired in-line with the turn signal lever and hazard switch buttons. When the turn signals or hazard lights are turned on, the circuit’s power is routed through the flasher, which only emits short bursts of power that cause the lights to flash. If the flasher is not working, your hazard or turn signal lights may stay on solid when turned on, not turn on at all, or flash at an undesirable rate.
If your turn signals aren’t working, you will fail a motor vehicle inspection or a roadside check. Examine your fuses to make sure none are discolored – this indicates a blown fuse that could be causing the problem. Check your light bulbs as well. If all are in good working order, then the problem could be the hazard / turn signal flasher, which is part of your car's electrical system. Have one of our expert mechanics inspect and replace the hazard turn signal flasher if required.
Malfunctioning turn signals and hazard lights are critical safety issues. If your turn signals aren’t working, you have no way of communicating your driving intentions to other drivers aside from hand signals. Have one of our expert mechanics check them immediately so that the problem can be diagnosed, and appropriate measures taken, such as replacing your hazard / turn signal flasher.
Tell us what the problem is (e.g the car is not starting or I need new shock absorbers). What kind of car you drive and your contact information.
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