When you turn the key in your car’s ignition, a circuit is completed in the ignition switch. That electrical connection provides power to the starter relay, which then switches from its off position to ‘on’ for as long as the key is held in the start position. The starter relay passes power from the car battery to the starter solenoid, and the starter motor engages to start your car. If the starter relay sticks or fails while it is in the off position, your vehicle will not start or even click when the key is turned, although the interior accessories will still function. If the starter fails while turning the key, and is stuck in the on position, the starter will stay engaged with the transmission flywheel. Damage can occur to the transmission flywheel, the starter, the relay, and the circuit.
The starter relay will likely last the lifetime of your vehicle, and does not require servicing. If the starter relay fails, or if you believe it is not working properly, have one of our expert mechanics diagnose it.
A working starter relay is necessary for the proper operation your car. You won’t be able to start your car if the starter relay fails, so you will have no choice but to fix the relay before using your vehicle again.
Tell us what the problem is (e.g the car is not starting or I need new shock absorbers). What kind of car you drive and your contact information.
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