Vehicles equipped with moveable rear window glass use a window transmission or regulator to move the glass from the open to closed position. A power window motor converts rotational force into a vertical (or horizontal in some cases) motion to open the glass. The regulator is typically a metal scissor-type component that rides in a window track. If the window transmission is bent or broken, the window will not move smoothly along the track or will get stuck and not move at all.
The rear window transmission is fastened deep inside the rear door and is not accessible for service or maintenance. It should last the lifetime of your vehicle. If you suspect an issue with your rear window transmission, have one of our expert mechanics inspect and replace it if necessary.
Typically, every window needs to operate during a safety inspection. The rear window is more of an accessory than the other windows, so it is less critical if the rear window doesn’t open. Have a faulty rear window transmission replaced at your convenience.
Tell us what the problem is (e.g the car is not starting or I need new shock absorbers). What kind of car you drive and your contact information.
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